Engineering 4 Development (E4D) Continuing Education Scholarship Program in Zurich Swiss

Scholarship in Engineering
  • Switzerland, Switzerland
  • Apply Before : April 30, 2022

Opportunity Details

  • Opportunity ID 13189
  • Degree  Master 
  • Language Requirement  TOEFL IELTS 
  • Opportunity Type :   Fully Funded 
  • Gender  Male Female 
  • Language of Instruction  English 
  • Application Fee Required  Yes

Opportunity Description

E4D Continuing Education Scholarship program is offered for applicants from developing counties to enhance the knowledge and skills of future leaders by promoting a qualification development of professionals. The scholarship will cover the living, travel expenses, and tuition fees. Read the details and apply.



Deadline: 30 April 2022

Location: Switzerland

Level of study:

  • ETH Advanced studies master program (MAS).
  • Diploma of advanced studies (DAS).
  • Certificate of advanced studies (CAS).

Benefits of the scholarships:

  • Traveling cost maximum 2000 CHF
  • Visa Cost
  • Living expenses.
  • 660 CHF per semester for a tuition fee.

The scholarship will not cover the following costs:

  • MAS/CAS/DAS program fees.
  • General application fee.


  • Applicants must have obtained a master’s degree from a university from a recognized university.
  • Must have at least two years of professional work experience.
  • Must have English language knowledge such as TOEFL C1 Level or equivalent.
  • Applicants must be citizens of the eligible countries.
  • Applicants must have received an acceptance letter from ETH Zurich and MAS, DAS, or CAS program office.

Important notes:

  • Applicants will be selected based on their academic performance and background.
  • You can apply for both continuing education programs and the E4D scholarship program.
  • Before the application deadline, contact the program coordinator of your chosen continuing education program for holding the acceptance letter.

Required documents:

  • Application form
  • Update Curriculum Vitae.
  • MSc or Master’s degree certificate and transcript.
  • Motivation letter including what motivate you to join the program and how the program can help you to develop your career.
  • Two professional recommendation letters.
  • Official offer letter.
  • Employment certificate (it must send to the E4D program office directly by the applicant employer).
  • English language proficiency document.

Note: all of the document must be sent in Pdf format

List of eligible countries:

Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Armenia, Albania, Angola, Zimbabwe, Bolivia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cabo, Verde, Antigua, and Barbuda2, Benin, Cameroon, Argentina2, Bhutan, Congo, Azerbaijan, Burkina, Faso, Côte, d’Ivoire, Belarus, Burundi, Egypt, Belize, Cambodia, El Salvador, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Central African, Republic Eswatini, Botswana, Chad, Georgia, Brazil, Comoros, Ghana, China, (People’s Republic of) Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Colombia, Djibouti, Honduras, Cook, Islands3, Eritrea, India, Costa, Rica, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Cuba, Gambia, Jordan, Dominica, Guinea, Kenya, Dominican, Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Kosovo, Ecuador, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Equatorial, Guinea, Kiribati, Micronesia, Fiji Lao, People’s Democratic, Republic Moldova, Gabon, Lesotho, Mongolia, Grenada, Liberia, Morocco, Guyana, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Iran, Malawi, Nigeria, Iraq, Mali, Pakistan, Jamaica, Mauritania, Papua New Guinea, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, Philippines, Lebanon, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Libya, Nepal, Syrian Arab, Republic Malaysia, Niger, Tajikistan, Maldives, Rwanda, Tokelau, Marshall, Islands, Sao Tome, and Principe Tunisia, Mauritius, Senegal, Ukraine, Mexico, Sierra, Leone, Uzbekistan, Montenegro, Solomon, Islands, Viet Nam, Montserrat, Somalia, West Bank, and Gaza, Strip, Namibia, South Sudan, Nauru Sudan, Niue, Tanzania, North Macedonia, Timor-Leste, Palau2, Togo, Panama2, Tuvalu, Paraguay, Uganda, Peru, Vanuatu1 Saint, Helena, Yemen, Saint Lucia, Zambia, Saint, Vincent, and the Grenadines, Samoa, Serbia, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Wallis, and Futuna.

How to apply

Download the application form, provide the requested documents and apply online.

Apply now

Contact address:

Visit the E4D website for more details.

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