Opportunity Details
Opportunity ID 8829
Degree Non Degree Program/Certificate
Language Requirement Not Required
Opportunity Type : Partially Funded Self Funded
Gender Male Female
Language of Instruction English
Opportunity Description
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers Computer Science and Programming Using Python Free Online Course. This course is an introduction to computer science by using Python 3.5 to solve real-world analytical problems. The course has two sections. The first is the introduction to computer science and programming through Python, and the second one is Intro to Computational Thinking and Data Science. This course contains exercises, lecture videos, and problem sets. It will be a stepping stone for those who already have some introductory knowledge of the topics.
Course details:
- Course developer: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Level: Intermediate
- Language: English
- Course provider: edX
- Learning mode: Instructor-paced
- Subject: Computer Science
- Price: Free
- Certificate: Only for paid version
- Duration: 9 weeks (14–16 hours per week)
- Start date: Available now
- Video Transcript: English
- Session Start & End: 12 October to December 14, 2022
- Free access to this course will expire on: December 14, 2022
Course instructors:
- John Guttag
- Eric Grimson
- Ana Bell
- Advanced programming in Python 3
- Knapsack problem, Graphs, and graph optimization
- Dynamic programming
- Plotting with the pylab package
- Random walks
- Probability, Distributions
- Monte Carlo simulations
- Curve fitting
- Statistical fallacies
This course is free to join; however, if you want to get a certificate of completion, you will need to pay $75.
check out what will you learn:
- Plotting with the pylab package
- Stochastic programming and statistical thinking
- Monte Carlo simulations
- Must have some level of programming experience in Python
- Elementary knowledge of computational complexity
- Students who live in Iran, Cuba and the Crimea region of Ukraine cannot sign up for this course due USA sanctions on these areas.
How to apply?
Interested & eligible individuals can enroll to this course through the link below.
Enroll Now
For more information and details about Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, please visit the Edx Website.
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