Opportunity Details
Opportunity ID 54034
No. of Opportunity 457
Gender Male Female
Opportunity Description
Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Services Commission (IARCSC) has announced the Jobs for Teachers and Civil Services in 13 provinces that 457 Jobs are in Nimruz province to recruit 284 new teachers and 173 employees in civil services jobs.
Location: Nimruz
Here is the list of Teachers jobs
HERE is the list of Civil Services Jobs.
How to apply?
Applicants should download the application form from the attachment links below or obtain it from the related authorities and follow the steps below:
- get the application form from the website/or related ministry, zone, or district department
- fill the application form completely and correctly
- Attach your Tazkira and educational documents
- Submit your documents to the department and get a receipt of your document
- You can apply to only one position, applying to several positions will result in an unsuccessful application.
Application review:
- the related authority will shortlist eligible applicants and out list the ineligible and incomplete applications
- The screening of application, shortlist and all process will be done under the direct supervision of IARCSC.
- The shortlisted applicants will be listed on the IARCSC website.
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