UN Women Call for Applications for “Beijing+25 Youth Task Force Membership” in GEF

Conference in Other
  • Mexico
  • Apply Before : August 21, 2020

Opportunity Details

  • Opportunity ID 47608
  • Degree  Non Degree Program/Certificate 
  • Language Requirement  Not Required 
  • Opportunity Type :   Fully Funded 
  • Duration  1 year

Opportunity Description


The Beijing+25 Youth Task Force is issuing a call for applications to expand the combination of the Youth Task Force that will work in the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process closely with UN Women, civil society institutions and other stakeholders from September 2020 to September 2021, to ensure the significant participation of young people in the global processes of the 25th review and appraisal of the BPfA. Convened by UN Women, the forum intends to expand the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force to hasten the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) aimed at working towards achieving gender equality and advancing women’s rights.

In addition, The Beijing +25 Youth Task Force will organize two webinars from 7th to 18th August 2020, aiming to reach more young people and encourage them to apply to be a part of the Youth Task Force while shedding light on any questions/doubts regarding the application process and requirements. More information relating to the webinars in the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force is available on social media spaces: FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


Application deadline: August 21, 2020 (12 PM EST)

Organizer: UN Women

Duration of the work with YTF: one year

About Beijing+25 Youth Task Force

After a call for applications in June 2019, UN Women announced the “Beijing+25 Youth Task Force,” comprising 30 young leaders from different youth-led and youth-serving organizations, with diverse ranges of knowledge and across all regions of the world. The Task Force represents youths in all their diversity and across intersectional complexities. Furthermore, the existing youth leaders have a track record of driving change in their communities and mobilizing young people in the wake of empowering young women and girls all around the world.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants in conformity with the following criteria can apply to be Youth Task Force members:

  • are young activists/change-makers aged 14 to 30 years with a priority for those below 24,
  • recommended by their youth-led, adolescent-led, youth-centered or youth-serving organizations, networks or civic movements,
  • Each organization, network, or movement can nominate up to two candidates.

To expand the Youth Task Force, YTF is looking for individuals mainly from the below regions:

  • Francophone countries
  • Pacific Islands
  • Caribbean (including but not limited to English speaking, French-speaking, Spanish speaking, the Caribbean with African Descent), and
  • Central Asia.

Priority will be given to applications that represent broad networks, youth organizations, and civic movements from:

  • Adults
  • Indigenous youth
  • Afro-descendants / black youth
  • Ethnic, religious and caste minorities
  • Persons living with disabilities
  • Climate justice activists
  • Migrants or expatriates and youth directly working with refugees.
  • Nomination to the Task Force will comply with the leave no one behind principle ensuring widespread representation across intersectional identities, including marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, indigenous and ethnic identities, and refugee or migrant status.
  • Proven experience in youth mobilization and youth leadership.
  • Interest and motivation indicated for participation in YTF in the application form.
  • Be available to commit at least 4 hours per week to the work of the YTF.

Note: Please consider that if you are not from the regions and/or constituencies listed, your application will not be considered.

Selection process

Young and adolescent activists and/or leaders will be selected to expand the Beijing+25 Youth Task Force from a pool of applications received through an open call. The members will be selected through a youth-led process by the current YTF members.


New selected members will be notified and announced by the end of September 2020.

How to apply?

The application for YTF membership is online. It will go through these steps:

  1. Your nominator writes a brief letter of recommendation for you with respect to your experience in youth mobilization. Organizations do not need to be officially registered . However, letters must come from your nominating organizations, networks, or alliances rather than individuals.
  2. You fill in the Application form by the deadline.
  3. Attach your CV and letter of recommendation to the application form and finally submit it.

For additional details of the call, please read more at GEF Call for Applications.

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