Opportunity Details
Opportunity ID 52481
Degree Non Degree Program/Certificate
Language Requirement Not Required
Opportunity Type : Partially Funded Self Funded
Duration 3 Weeks
Gender Male Female
Language of Instruction English
Opportunity Description
The University of Bergen offers an online course on ‘Causes of Climate Change’, which will help you uncover climate change’s past, present, and future causes.
This free online course lays the basis for understanding the main physical processes behind past, present, and future climate variations. So, in this course, you’ll uncover the main external forcing mechanisms, such as the sun, volcanoes, and changes in greenhouse gasses and aerosols, which can contribute to changing the global energy budget and create climate variations.
Furthermore, you’ll gain a profound understanding of the complexities of the climate system and be able to compare recently observed, man-made changes in climate to past natural changes.
Course details:
- Course developer: University of Bergen
- Instruction language: English
- Course provider: Future Learn
- Course type: Online and self-paced
- Subject: Environment & Nature
- Price: Free with limited access; $244.99 for one year and $109/one-off payment
- Course Duration: 3 weeks (4 hours per week)
- Start date: Available now
- Free Course Expiry: 10 Feb 2024
- Course Educators: Check here
Learning objectives:
After completing this course, you‘ll be able to:
- Reflect on the intricacies of the climate system and understand the recently perceived man-made variations in climate in the context of previous natural changes.
- Describe the underlying physical processes governing climate changes in the past, present, and future.
- Describe the role atmosphere and ocean energy transport play and their impact on regional variations in climate.
- Summarize the main feedback mechanisms in the climate system.
- Explain the role of ocean heat uptake for the timescales of response to changes in climate forcing.
Who can enroll in this course?
- This course is designed for those interested in the physical dimension of climate variations and change.
- Also, you do not need any previous experience studying the causes of climate change, but high school-level mathematics and physics are recommended.
What topics will it cover?
- Radiative forcing
- Climate feedback and heat transport
- Past changes in climate and ocean heat uptake
Course Benefits
- 100% online
- Access to this course for three weeks
How to apply for this online course?
You can apply and pursue this course by completing a registration at the given link.
Enroll Now
For further information about the Free Online Course on ‘Causes of Climate Change’ by the University of Bergen, Norway, please visit FutureLearn’s website.
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