Opportunity Details
Opportunity ID 5395
Degree PH.D
Language Requirement Not Required
Opportunity Type : Fully Funded
Opportunity Description
all postgraduate and PhD applicants whose names are included in the list below, are requested to obtain the Examination Card for on Saturday January 5, 2019 (15/10/1397) from 8:00 am to 4 : 00 pm at Polytechnic University
Examination Date: Sunday 6th January 2019 (16/10/1397) at Kabul University
The applicants should have their Original Identification card (Tazkira) or Passport on examination day.
Please do not bring any electronic device.
The result of the examination for ICCR scholarships will be announced soon.
Due to the requests of candidates the applicants can complete their documents and submit them to the ministry of Higher education until Wednesday 19/10/1397.
List of eligible applicants for ICCR Postgraduate and PhD scholarships (1397)