2020 Coda Story’s Bruno Fellowship for Journalists


Opportunity Details

  • Opportunity ID 12931

Opportunity Description

Bruno Foundation offered a fellowship opportunities for international reporters. The fellowship purpose is to celebrate foreign reporter, historian, and author of the popular Bruno detective series. The program provides an outstanding opportunity for reporters to designed to allow early international journalism career, fund, and space to discover the stories in any part of the world genuinely. Successful applicants will be mentored, professional editors will review guide through their written stories. Interested applicants with five years of reporting experience with excellent knowledge of English can apply for this fully-funded fellowship.



 Key dates:

  • Deadline: 29 March 2020
  • Interview date: Mid-April 2020
  • Fellowship date: May/June 2020

Duration: 9 months

Sponsored organization: Bruno Foundation

Location:  successful applicants can start their works in any part of the world.

Amount of the fellowship:

  • 16000 USD Dollars will cover the traveling costs during his/her reporting.

Extra benefits:

  • Applicants will be mentored, guided, and their reports will be checked and edited by professional Coda’s editors.
  • Opportunity to engage deeply in international journalism career.
  • Funding and space.

Subjects must be covered:

  • Disinformation
  • Authoritarian tech
  • War on science


  • Applicants can apply from any part of the world.
  • Must have at least five years of work experience in reporting.
  • Be proficient in the English language (writing and speaking).
  • Must have track peace English reports.

Required documents:

  • Writ in one page about why your story is essential, why it’s a coda story, which subjects (disinformation, authoritarian tech, and the war on science) your story meet, how you will lunch it, and why you are the best candidate for this fellowship. (600 words)
  • Report plan, duration, and time, how you will cover the story, and intended for any traveling about 1 page.
  • Specify the report and travel costs you need.
  • Resume/CV about one page.
  • A cover letter (explain why this program right for you) about 1 page.
  • Three best-published clips. (optional)

Note: requested documents must be in English, in PDF format and their size must not be more than 5MB. Named them your last name _ Document name.

How to apply:

Upload your document in Google Form

Apply NOW


  • Applicants who have not access to a google account, they can email their materials to isobel@codastory.com
  • Please mention the BrunoFellow_Lastname on the subject line of your email.

For any quarry, please contact isobel@codastory.com

Check the fellowship website for more details.

Available Fellowship Opportunities:

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